Thursday, May 31, 2012

I'll Be Just Fine

I think it's time to move on. God has been doing so much in my life recently and I think it's just best to move on and talk to other people. I'll always be here for him but that's up to him and God's plan. Surely God made an AMAZING man for me, and right now I just need to worry about myself and just trust that God knows what he's doing. I'll be just fine. :)

Monday, May 28, 2012

Keep It Going.

So, we're texting and yeah, it's not all fun and games right now but at least it's something. I miss him a lot and I don't think we'll ever date again but I miss his friendship. At least something is better than nothing and i'd much rather have a little bit than nothing at all. Maybe everything we planned won't come true and maybe, just maybe.. it will. I'll never know. But I will promise you something that I do know. I know that i'm not going to stop trying. I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that we're friends if not anything more than that. so you, my love, you wait.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Goodnight guys! I'm so happy i'm going to bed earlyyyyy!!!!! :)

Forever is Long Time.

soo soo sooo frustrateddd!!!! I'm just listening to music and don't know what to title it so I left that one up to the lyrics of the song playing. His name? Mason. Yes, that is the one guy I have been talking about. I am a buttttttttt! I miss him and I don't even care at this point. I just want him to be my best friend again. I told him absolutely everything. I told him my darkest secrets and shared with him my every thought. If I had to name the one person that knew the most about me, besides my parents, it would be him. I know we're going to be okay in the end. I know that he WILL end up being a big part of my life once again because this is the one feeling I have never felt. This is the one time where i'm absolutely positive that God finally is saying "alright Emily, now is the right time" and I really wish that he would just talk to me. I wish that things between us would just work out. I'm going CRAZY. oh my gosh. :( Just let my 11:11 wishes come trueeeee!!! 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Hello. Goodbye.

Meeting new people is GREAT, the sad part is never knowing how long we have with that person. People, everyday, will come and go, in and out of your life. Wouldn't it be easier if we could just see ahead of time and just see the mistakes we make before me make them??... Although that might me nice every once in awhile, well, it would never teach us anything. We make mistakes so we don't make them again later. Maybe one day the people you screwed up with will, later on, end up in your life again. The wait... whether it be a day or a couple of days... maybe even longer than a year.. that's the frustrating part, but it's all part of God's plan and we should be patient and trust that he is doing everything for the good of us. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

All About Us

do you hear that love? they're playing our song.
Lovers dance when they're falling in love
spotlights shining its all about us. <3
I talk about him all the time. I miss him so much. We talked today and it didn't go so well... He deserved better. I miss his hugs and our long talks about nothing. when I could cuddle to his side while watching a movie and be comfortable. How he let me get mad and just wouldn't do anything and when I was so close to crying because I was in pain and he told me it'll be okay cause he wouldn't let it be anything but that. He didn't care if I was around other guys cause he trusted that he was that I would never do him wrong. He would hum me songs to sleep and when I did he would hangup and text me goodnight cause I would see it in the morning. He was always there when I needed him cause he's that kind of person. a caring one. I took him for granted and ruined everything we had and what could've been. And when I said goodbye he didn't yell. he simply let it be because its happened before. I hate who i was to him when all he did to me was love me and make sure i knew it.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Friend Then. Friend Now.

It all started in seventh grade, we absolutely despised each other. She was my total opposite even her looks... but somehow, God placed us in each other's lives. She became my best friend. We ended up hanging out EVERY weekend and if it wasn't every weekend well, it was fairly close. There was not a day where we didn't talk. Anytime something interesting happened to me, she would be the first to know. She was like another sister if not closer. Well, long story short, I guess God placed her in my life for just a little while. Earlier this year, she decided to not be friends anymore. I was upset at first but over time it taught me a lot. She's a good person and I will always be there for her but we needed this break whether it be temporary or forever, it was for a reason. I pray we become friends again sometime soon. Well, That was my blog for the night. sorry for this awkward ending. haha. night!!