Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Older. The Wiser.

People say that the older you get the wiser you are... True or False?
I believe that the older you get then the wiser you will be because over time you learn a lot. You reflect upon the different situations you go through and the multiple decisions you're forced to make. When something hurts you, you try to not make the same decision again. When something makes you happy, you tend to do it more often... but sometimes it's not that easy. Sometimes something that used to make you happy can change and make you upset later and maybe something that used to upset you makes you happy now. No matter what makes you happy or sad, well, you learn from it and it helps you to make either the same choices or different choices later in life. It may take making the "wrong" decision a few times before you make the "right" decisions the next time, but it's okay because at least you know how you felt before and can reflect upon that situation later so you don't make the same mistake again. Well, this all fits into the title because as we grow, we have to stumble over a couple of branches and get scratches so that we can learn to pay attention to where were going and what were doing so that it doesn't happen again later. We must learn what it feels like to be in pain or to be really happy so that we don't waste our time being depressed and unhappy. We need to spend more time making good memories so that when it's your time to go you won't spend your last seconds wishing that you wouldn't have done this or that but instead being happy with what you did do because it made you who you are and made you feel the way you should. So remember, do what you want and learn from it, but most importantly, do what makes you feel good. :)

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