Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Relationships are only Temporary.

I don't even understand what God is doing in my life right now. He puts people in it but then sometimes the people who become so close, in the end, leave. I don't know if I was the reason for why we're not close or if they just have a problem and need to "solve" it on their own. I just wish that I could at least keep them as a friend. I don't care if we're never close again or don't talk the way we used to but at least show me that you care. When I say something nice, you could say something back... or maybe just let me know I don't mean anything to you cause then at least I wouldn't have to waste my time trying to figure it out on my own. Whatever that problem is in your life, well, I hope things work out well in the end. I hope that you realize one day that I cared about you and not the looks, the money, or your faith, but because of the person you were when we were still close... I guess I fell for your lies. Well played. [A]

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