Sunday, September 30, 2012

Receiving Hate... Giving Love.

Its just so hard sometimes... giving so much love to someone and them constantly hating you in return. I don't know how much more I can take much less... give. I feel like every time I try and be nice or do something its not good enough and that I just screw up so why even do it? Its like I don't even have anyone to talk to about it anymore and I'm just always upset with life. I try to smile and be happy for everyone but eventually, I just fall apart. I can never please anyone and I always ruin everything. I don't even understand why I'm still here. I'm just ready to go, God. I don't mean anything to anyone and even when people say I do its just because they want to make me happy it's not serious. They don't understand my life, what I go through, or what I have been through. I'm just ready to go. So, when you get that chance, God, please take me.

dedicated to: Kenji Snead - sorry God didn't bless you with a better sister.

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